A project of The Swell Collective


We inspire, equip and amplify change-agents via collaborative experiences and creative expression online and IRL. We dismantle oppression from the inside out. #goodgrows



Our podcasts are available where ever you find your faves. Our current season: Ask An American Immigrant, with Mili Metz is streaming now.


Swell School is an e-learning platform in development for change-makers, by change-makers. We are building the first fully curated,  online school that features BIPOC, Queer and Disabled change-makers on the leading edge in their fields. 


We aim to amplify #goodgrows stories where ever the eyes and ears of the world are. Follow our journey and join the conversation to accelerate our shift to a positive-sum future.


You can find the Swell Collective on Youtube where we curate playlists of our favorite videos for training, inspiration and amplification.

According to economists, human & social capital will outpace financial capital in both abundance & influence in the 21st century. Can we grow some with you?


TSC began with a blog back in 2013.  #goodgrows.

Swell Energy

Swell People

Swell Musings

A Simple Kind of Life…

It seems like such an easy thing, "simplify your life"...yet we constantly find it hard to actually do and further more, maintain. As of late, I've found myself with a hectic schedule, one that teeters on the edge of being manic. I fall into bed exhausted each night,...

The Art of Being Selfless: What My Mother Taught Me

I've been afforded opportunities to bear witness to people performing selfless acts of kindness, some were isolated incidents while others simply lived their lives in servitude of others. No matter the circumstance, giving selflessly is about setting aside your ego....

“Making Every Moment Matter” – Day 2 Meditation Reflections

I know firsthand the challenge of moving myself out of living in the past and untangling  the emotions, fear, uncertainty and a horde of other feelings that have resulted in my being stagnant in the now.

“Making Every Moment Matter” – Day 3 Meditation Reflections

What is the purpose of our engagement in anything we do? It could be obligation, a sense of responsibility, a genuine desire to participate – no matter the reason, how we define those moments is what shapes our view on the time we spend doing it.

“Making Every Moment Matter” – Day 4 Meditation Reflections

In the past, my largest obstacles to making time for these activities were my schedule, getting home late from work, and not wanting to unplug from all the digital stimulus when I should.

“Making Every Moment Matter” – Day 5 Meditation Reflections

We are committing to creating healthful habits for ourselves now so that we can enjoy a more comfortable existence in our older years. Growing old is inevitable, but whether or not we are able to do so with as much ease, grace and peace in mind, body and spirit is definitely something we have full control over!   

“Making Every Moment Matter” – Day 6 Meditation Reflections

It is said that when we are naturally tuned in we feel aware and alive. This present-moment consciousness can help to spark our creative tendencies and help us to sit more fully in our truths, passions and pursuits!

“Making Every Moment Matter” – Day 7 Meditation Reflections

I find that when I’m able to maintain my vigilance in the quality of my thoughts and to where and whom I channel my energy I am better equipped to stand squarely in whatever it is I am doing and with whomever I am doing it.

“Making Every Moment Matter” – Day 8 Meditation Reflections

During this day’s meditation we are taught that we are able to turn our wounds into wisdom and we have the ability to take any situation and find an opportunity for change, healing, forgiveness, awareness, etc.

“Making Every Moment Matter” – Day 9 Meditation Reflections

Understanding that we aren’t powerless to bear the things others say we can’t change is the critical first step. All change has come from some sort of discomfort, unease or dis-ease and a longing for something different, something more.

Meet Amanda Webster

Once a week, The Swell Collective features a tribe member living the tribe values out loud. BE GOOD. DO GOOD. SEE GOOD. SHARE GOOD.Name: Amanda Webster Occupation: Certified Yoga Teacher and Ayurveda Consultant: Spreading the love for the sciences of yoga and...

Meet Sarah Chapman

Once a week, The Swell Collective features a tribe member living the tribe values out loud. BE GOOD. DO GOOD. SEE GOOD. SHARE GOOD.Name: Sarah Chapman Occupation: Reiki Practitioner, Artisan and Oracle Reader Company Name: Ocean Dreams Reiki, Ocean Dreams...

Meet John Cameron McClain

Once a week, The Swell Collective features a tribe member living the tribe values out loud. BE GOOD. DO GOOD. SEE GOOD. SHARE GOOD.Name: John Cameron McClain Occupation: Writer / Editor Organization Name: Ponahakeola PressContact Info:...

Meet Tracy Nadler

Once a week, The Swell Collective features a tribe member living the tribe values out loud. BE GOOD. DO GOOD. SEE GOOD. SHARE GOOD.Name: Tracy Nadler Occupation: Certified Health Coach Email: tnadlerrae@msn.com What change in the world would you like to see through...

Meet Jennifer Tazzi

Once a week, The Swell Collective features a tribe member living the tribe values out loud. BE GOOD. DO GOOD. SEE GOOD. SHARE GOOD. Name: Jennifer Tazzi Occupation: Writer / Lawyer / Coping with Depression Blogger Organization Name: HealthyPlace.com Contact Info:...

Feature Fridays – A Month In Review

Whew! Itʻs hard to believe that a little over one month has passed since the inception of our Feature Friday weekly event. This has been such an eye-opening and rewarding effort for us here at The Swell. We knew that we were lucky enough to have befriended some pretty...

Meet Tabitha Goetschalckx

Once a week, The Swell Collective features a tribe member living the tribe values out loud. BE GOOD. DO GOOD. SEE GOOD. SHARE GOOD. Name:    Tabitha Goetschalckx Occupation:   Riding Instructor, Horse Trainer Organization or Company Name / State(s), Country of...

Meet Jake Berlin

Once a week, The Swell Collective features a tribe member living the tribe values out loud. BE GOOD. DO GOOD. SEE GOOD. SHARE GOOD. Name: Jake Berlin Occupation: Middle Schooler and Do-gooder. Organization Name: Project SGL (Show God's Love) is about helping homeless...

Meet Becky Mendoza

Once a week, The Swell Collective features a tribe member living the tribe values out loud. BE GOOD. DO GOOD. SEE GOOD. SHARE GOOD. Name: Becky Mendoza Occupation: Lawyer Contact Info: Website: www.actionsportslawgroup.com www.naturalrawmedies (coming soon) Facebook:...

Meet Jackie Jackson

As we come across good people doing good things, The Swell Collective features a tribe member living the tribe values out loud. BE GOOD. DO GOOD. SEE GOOD. SHARE GOOD. Name: Jackie Jackson Occupation: Creative Entrepreneur Organization Name: Maninimono & The...

“Making Every Moment Matter” – Day 14 Meditation Reflections

I have always said that a life goal would be to own a wellness center for people to come and heal their minds, bodies and spirits. A place where they feel safe, accepted and appreciated. Where they are free to just be or transform themselves and their lives in the ways that nourish them.

“Making Every Moment Matter” – Day 13 Meditation Reflections

Being happy is a daily life goal and it shouldn’t be a challenge to do what I need to do in order to make happiness a constant in my life.

“Making Every Moment Matter” – Day 12 Meditation Reflections

When we honor our approach to time we are better equipped to allow other the space to honor their approach as well. This practice also provides a precious opportunity for something we are passionate about at The Swell, conscious communication!

“Making Every Moment Matter” – Day 11 Meditation Reflections

I have made it a priority to spend time with those that are most precious to me and to be fully involved in whatever time we’re able to spend together. I’ve found that in doing so, inevitably all the goals that I aim to achieve, are. 

“Making Every Moment Matter” – Day 10 Meditation Reflections

I know that I feel optimally well in mind, body and spirit when I move my body. The satisfying feeling from physical exertion and time spent in purposeful practice whether it be yoga, hiking or exercising never fails to rejuvenate and uplift me.

“Making Every Moment Matter” – Day 9 Meditation Reflections

Understanding that we aren’t powerless to bear the things others say we can’t change is the critical first step. All change has come from some sort of discomfort, unease or dis-ease and a longing for something different, something more.

“Making Every Moment Matter” – Day 8 Meditation Reflections

During this day’s meditation we are taught that we are able to turn our wounds into wisdom and we have the ability to take any situation and find an opportunity for change, healing, forgiveness, awareness, etc.

“Making Every Moment Matter” – Day 7 Meditation Reflections

I find that when I’m able to maintain my vigilance in the quality of my thoughts and to where and whom I channel my energy I am better equipped to stand squarely in whatever it is I am doing and with whomever I am doing it.

“Making Every Moment Matter” – Day 6 Meditation Reflections

It is said that when we are naturally tuned in we feel aware and alive. This present-moment consciousness can help to spark our creative tendencies and help us to sit more fully in our truths, passions and pursuits!

“Making Every Moment Matter” – Day 5 Meditation Reflections

We are committing to creating healthful habits for ourselves now so that we can enjoy a more comfortable existence in our older years. Growing old is inevitable, but whether or not we are able to do so with as much ease, grace and peace in mind, body and spirit is definitely something we have full control over!   

Inspire – Equip – amplify

change-makers trained

Community Partner Organizations

in-kind donations $ value

Meditation minutes a day

The medium is the messageMarshall McLuhan

Our media have become saturated with examples of what is going wrong at the intersection of differences. Swell Station amplifies what is going right. Every story we share tells the tale of human, social and financial capital being grown for global good. We believe in a positive-sum future.


Let good grow,
Say Hello!

Do you have a story to tell, skills to impart and good to grow? Of course you do. We want to hear from you. Please get in touch!


6 + 6 =

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